
Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Climate Change = Lifestyle Change

How do we respond to climate change? Passive and annoyingly indifferent? Or proactively concerned? By this time, our answers become ever more relevant as climate change has shown its adverse consequences and effects on the lives of many. 

As repeatedly declared, "the time to act is now!" 

Fine. But in what way should we act? Alone? I am not even a David to fight the Goliaths of today. 

While it is understandable for a person to be overwhelmed with what is happening around him, it is not a reason not to act and do something. 

It is important to realize that this is one aspect in the life of a person where his singular effort can actually make a difference.

If one were to change his lifestyle and others would do the same then it is like lighting a candle and joining others who are doing the same. The result is an astounding illumination of what was once enveloped in total darkness. 

We are aware by this time of what climate change is and how our it has drastically changed the way we think. We also know what global warming is and how it has substantially contributed to climate change.

The indiscriminate and irresponsible use and abuse of the earth's resources have created a culture of greed, materialism and indifference. This did not fit well to any well meaning person's dreams and aspirations. 

There are five wise things one can do to effect a lifestyle change in relation with climate change :

1. Choose Wisely. Whether it be a pair of socks or a house, the principle of choosing is the same - get only what you need. You may want something but you do not need it. You may need it but you really do not want it. More often than not, if you have chosen something which you do not need and want, then it'll surely go to waste or you may not be happy about it after all. So the secret - get only what you need that will make you happy.

2. Use Wisely. One may have the best things in life. But if that person doesn't know what it means to use them with care or uses it other than for the purpose it may be intended, then it'll soon wear off or may soon be broken. So, if you can merely press it with your finger, don't use a hammer. If it's a table, don't sit on it. If it's a chair, don't stand on it. If it's a bed, don't jump on it. 

3. Save Wisely. Have you been told to "save for a rainy day?" Literally. If it is raining we prefer to stay indoors and when there is a typhoon, we need to stay home. When that happens, what we have at home would be what we can have. But what if there is nothing? Just to imagine such a situation is already difficult. What more in reality. So saving is used here in many ways - save money, save resources and save lives. Set aside not only money but your resources. You'll  never know when you'll find a need for them.

4. Recycle Wisely. Old items may continue to be useful. Others may still be fit for something else other than the original purpose for which they are made. A good example is the use of old tires in lieu of damage corals. Be creative. You'll not only save the environment but Dave on resources and money too.

5. Dispose Wisely. Segregate. This is now basic. Biodegradable trash must separated from non-biodegradable items. Solid wastes must be managed well so as not to aggravate the already alarming state of our environment. It has been proven that among the major causes of flood or diseases l is the improper disposal of garbage. They clog and pollute the waterways, rivers etc. Be concerned by knowing your duty to yourself, family, community, country and to the environment. 

Be grateful to God for the blessings you have right now and the opportunity to make a difference. You are not alone. 

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

A Clarion Call for Solidarity

To my Sisters and Brothers in Alpha Phi Omega:

         Let me start by quoting what our late Bro. Jesse Robredo has said about leadership, to wit:

“The most important ingredient of leadership is character. Most of the proficiencies can be learned, but what's inside you is something that's difficult to change.”  

         A month and again 2 weeks prior to the 2010 Presidential Elections, Bro. Jesse and I talked about the presidential candidacy of the then Senator and now President Noynoy Aquino. We tackled, not the political side of the candidacy but the advocacy that is being sought to be supported. There was a discussion about good governance and integrity. On Election Day, the people have spoken. We all want change and reforms. We want better lives and a clean government.

        When Bro. Jesse was appointed Secretary of the Interior and Local Government, I’ve had the privilege of supporting his programs at the DILG, and this opportunity was given me by the National Liga ng mga Barangay as its then legal counsel. I've seen him work, talk and move around, and we had text exchanges. He would always offer the APO handshake in public and other government functions. He has exemplified integrity in his words and actions. He was straightforward and definitely a statesman and a people’s man.

         True to his words, what was inside him was difficult to change for he has the leadership with a strong character. His being a cabinet official, holding key positions with enormous powers and so much responsibilities, never changed him. He remained the friendly and approachable Bro. Jesse, an action man and a true friend.

          There was an APO in him that called our attention. When we made a courtesy call on him, and handed him an APO pin, if only that pin was big enough to embrace it, he might have done so. Among those present at his office were some past National Presidents and past national officers, he talked of leadership and service. He was exemplifying the APO principles and ideals. 

         As I look around the people at the final services held at MalacaƱang before his remains were brought home to Naga City, I could see in the eyes of everyone the sorrow that permeated through, and I could hear in the countless conversations the words like “sayang”, “magaling sana na presidente”, “down to earth”, “mabait na ama”, etcetera. All were referring to Bro. Jesse. I know somehow, among those present, there are fellow APO in attendance, and just like me, in the midst of grief, I was proud to be an APO, because Bro. Jesse who is being honored by no less the President of the Philippines, and all other high government officials also present, is an APO, who in his lifetime, conducted himself as what an APO should be.

         There is always a reason why some people would go ahead of those who still remain in this world. Bro. Jesse may no longer be with us, but the principles he stood for and the legacy he has given us with, have so much rippling and cascading effect upon us all. Because of him, he made us prouder as members of APO. 

         Bro. Jesse wasn't alone. There are countless other sisters and brothers, who may have passed away, but still, their memories are with us, and their good turns and deeds are still being talked about and emulated. We salute all of them. They have made history for Alpha Phi Omega.

         As for us who are living, pretty much alive indeed and enjoying what life has to offer, we can do so many such good turns, and good deeds. Together, we can, not only make a difference, but also and more significantly, transform and not merely reform a rotten system into something that is transparent and which exudes integrity. 

         As we commemorate the 89th Year Founding Anniversary of Alpha Phi Omega, let pause, reflect and pray – be thankful to Our Supreme and Divine God and Creator, and plead for discernment and guidance as well as strength and determination - to move on, move forward and move upward to the peak of Leadership with Integrity, Sincere Friendship and Genuine Service. More than ever, let us firmly grasp the hands of each other as a family in Alpha Phi Omega, and make our circle stronger.

         May we always be!

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Foreclosing Inherited Property

Foreclosure happens when a borrower defaults in the payment of obligation which is usually secured by a mortgaged property. In any foreclosure proceedings, the objective is to subject the mortgaged property to a public auction. The highest bidder wins and a certificate of sale is issued. In the event the borrower or mortgagor fails to redeem the property within a certain period, usually one year from registration of the certificate of sale, the right to redeem is deemed forfeited and the auction sale buyer can have the title and ownership consolidated in his name. Taxes and fees are then paid. The process ends when the old title is cancelled and a new title is issued in favor of the buyer. 

However, the process becomes tedious, expensive and lengthy when the property is under the name of a deceased owner.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Turning Point 2016

In the life of every nation as in the life of any person, there is a turning point when that life is defined and headed towards what is perceived to be as "success". 

There are milestones which are bound to happen. For an individual, there is puberty, adolescence, marriage or death. For a country, one can think of agricultural development, industrialization and prosperity. For a nation, like the Philippines, it's colonization, independence and global economic prominence.

So the question would be - where are we now as a country and as a nation?

The Philippines is perceived to be making headways in its fight against graft and corruption. Thanks to a national leadership which is committed to change the course of history through a straight path and by exercising political will and instituting reforms. 

Consistency in vision and policies have  allowed President Aquino to have a firm grip on the affairs of government and in leading our nation. It is noteworthy that the Philippines is a country ravaged by a super typhoon, a consequence of climate change, territorial disputes in the high seas, wars and unrests in foreign lands that could spell unemployment for OFWs, global crisis affecting economies, inefficiency in the government service, ideological struggles, threats to the peace process and the continuing problem of poverty. Yet, despite all such concerns, the Philippines is able to move on.

As Filipinos, we are expected to do our part as responsible citizens. Simple things when put together can already make a difference. For instance -

Say no to corruption.
Promote peace.
Obey the laws.
Go environmentally green.
Pay your taxes.
Be vigilant.
Save money.
Give to charity.
Respect the elders.
Protect the children.
Strengthen the family as an institution.
Above all, pray to God.

Aware of the good and the bad things that are in our midst right now, and having done our part as responsible citizens, 2016 must be the turning point for our country and our nation. We've had enough of practically everything which people would not wish for.

2016 is election year and we must insure that it should be the turning point for the Philippines. We know that our vote counts during elections. Our vote should be the embodiment of our hopes, aspirations and our efforts for a better Philippines, and therefore, our vote is sacred and can neither be bought nor swayed by mere popularity of a politician.

We must be vigilant and intelligent enough all throughout this 2015, to distinguish the truth from lies, and facts from fiction. In this way, we can make learned decisions that we will not regret. 

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Sustainable "Way of Life"

Sustainability. We often hear and read this, yet nobody seems to pay attention to it. Why? Some people continue to throw their garbage along canals or esteros, others just ignore the importance of waste segregation, vehicles continue to be ill-maintained with so much toxic emissions, carbon footprints in houses are disgusting, and many more that are responsible for climate change that we all suffer and endure today.

Our country had the shock of its life when Typhoon Ondoy came, submerging metropolitan cities under muddy water, and Typhoon Yolanda which flattened regions and rendered millions homeless, jobless, hungry and countless others missing or dead.

After all these years, what have we done to prevent or at least mitigate the effects of global warming and brace up ourselves against future devastations?

Maybe a lot but hardly significant, maybe little and definitely without impact, or maybe none at all - due to sheer indifference.

Change should start from us. From each one of us who cares for the future - particularly those of our children, the future generation. We are responsible for the world of tomorrow that we create today. We cannot ignore the fact that we are stewards and guardians of the future earth. 

Let us begin by looking at every nook and corner of our homes. We can find a lot inside that requires our attention. Old fridge, rotting wood, rusting metals and gadgets, plastics clogging sewerage and canals, and other useless items that contribute to emissions and polluting our own environment with particulates, among others.

Our house systems must be checked likewise. Waste segregation, and the things we buy which must be Eco-friendly, from its simple packaging to becoming a biodegradable waste, and from its production or manufacturing processes to its manner of use or consumption. These may be little things, but they are things that matters and which cannot be ignored. 

Build a sustainable future, be resource efficient and climate change proof our houses and property. 

Act now, lest be disabled later.

Climate Change

Climate change is a significant and lasting change in the statistical distribution ofweather patterns over periods ranging from decades to millions of years. It may be a change in average weather conditions, or in the distribution of weather around the average conditions (i.e., more or fewer extreme weather events). Climate change is caused by factors such as biotic processes, variations in solar radiation received by Earth, plate tectonics, and volcanic eruptions. Certain human activities have also been identified as significant causes of recent climate change, often referred to as "global warming".[1]

Greenhouse Gas

greenhouse gas (sometimes abbreviated GHG) is a gas in an atmosphere that absorbs and emits radiation within the thermal infrared range. This process is the fundamental cause of the greenhouse effect.[1] The primary greenhouse gases in theEarth's atmosphere are water vaporcarbon dioxidemethane,nitrous oxide, and ozone. Greenhouse gases greatly affect the temperature of the Earth; without them, Earth's surface would average about 33 °C colder, which is about 59 °F below the present average of 14 °C (57 °F).[2][3][4]

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Tips When Buying A House

So finally you made a decision to buy a house, probably for the first time, or maybe a second one. Whether it is your first or second, or even more than that, the same principle applies when buying a house. Make sure what you are getting is clean and will not get you into any trouble.

So let us check on the brass tacks.

1) To prevent compulsive decisions, list down what you need : (a) its location (b) brand new or otherwise (c) minimum lot area (d) minimum floor area (e) number of rooms and toilets/baths (f) capacity of garage (g) preference for lawn or garden (h) model and style (i) concrete or steel fences (j) gated and guarded area or open location (k) required facilities and amenities in the area (l) future plans for the property (m) access to major roads and public transport system and (n) price range of the property.   

2) Make sure you have the following basic information : (a) location of sewerage tank (b) condition of electrical, water and drainage systems (c) supply of potable water (d) availability of electrical and telephone connections (e) barangay or city/municipal ordinance governing home ownership (f) condition of any creek making sure it's not silted or clogged (g) fire escape system (g) house plan as approved by the LGU engineering department (h) existence of termites and other pests, and means adopted to control them (i) flood alerts (j) soil or land upon which the house was built, to watch out for possible sink holes (k) earthquake fault (l) crime rate in the area (m) background check on your future neighbors (n) if it be in a subdivision or condominium unit, the status of the homeowners association, its financial statement, political and administrative history, and its officers and members as well as rate of monthly dues and contributions, and (o) barangay hall, officials including location of hospital, police station, fire station and gas (p) health status in the are like being prone to dengue, measles, rabies, and other contagious diseases (q) zoning information, current and future (r) taxes due and (s) cost or expenses for minor adjustments or repairs, if any.

3) Engage the services of a licensed broker as he or she may have the information you need or your desired property for sale in his or her listings. It is best to seek professional help since you are about to release your hard-earned money to buy your dream house. 

4) Check on the legal documents : (a) original or transfer certificate of title, with certified copy thereof (b) co-owner's duplicate of the title, if any  (c) tax declaration, with certified copy thereof (d) realty tax receipts (e) location / survey map showing lot description (f) LGU treasurer's clearance, to insure realty taxes are updated and property is not included in the public auction list (g) barangay clearance that the property is not involved in any dispute (h) court clearance (i) summary of property history and information checked with RD records (j)  special power of attorney as certified by the notarial section of the court in the area (k) deed of extrajudicial settlement, if any (l) if inherited, ask for a family tree outline showing all the heirs and that appropriate authorization have been obtained and (m) the TIN, cedula and 2 government issued IDs of the sellers 

5) Review the annotations inscripted on the certificate of title. Make sure that there are no unreasonable restrictions and conditions, existing loan or mortgage and encumbrances. Should there be any such encumbrance, it has to be clarified on how and when it will be removed and by whom.   

6) Get a warranty and representation from the sellers that the property has not been sold to any other person and which may not have been registered.

7) Be assured by the seller and any person claiming any right, that the property will be vacated at a certain date or prior to the closing of the sale, and peaceful and absolute possession thereof will be given and transferred at such agreed date and time. You may require that payment shall be made only upon such transfer of possession.

8) When signing any deed of absolute sale or any document pertaining to the sale, require that all parties must be present before a notary public to acknowledge the act personally. Verify the authority or the commission of the Notary Public which must be within the jurisdiction of the place where the document is being signed, and which must be valid at the time of notarization. 
9) Before letting go of your money, be sure you have seen the property, you are in possession of the property and you have all the documents with you and that they are all in order. Have the sale registered immediately. Get a new title, a new tax declaration, register with the barangay as a new resident, register with the homeowners association as a member, and physically secure your new house. 

10) Give a prayer of thanks at every stage of the transaction and always for as along as you live.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Tips When Selling A House

When one offers a property for sale, a seller must make sure that the buyer will get more than what he will paying for. The seller's satisfaction is not much of a concern as long as he gets what he should, given the nature, location and prevailing price in the area. In addition, if the property has sentimental value, the seller would want to be comfortable with the identity, character and reputation of the buyer. 

How can it be said that a buyer will be more than wiling to close the deal ? It all depends on how the entire transaction is presented leading to the eventual closure of the sale. 

The fact the the buyer has shown interest in the property is already a very positive sign that there can be indeed be a deal. Practically 90% of the task of selling has already been accomplished. 

The remaining 10% is the most difficult as even a fraction thereof can blow off the entire deal and that brings back everyone to square one or worst, to no deal at all. 

It is truly best to do one's homework, prepare well and be ready to handle any or all concerns or objections that may be raised by the buyer. This is the 10% of the task. 

It may be noted though that there are very rare where that 10% of the work has been done by the buyer himself and waived altogether all minor objections. This is obviously a case where the buyer is so obsessed with the property that he would no longer wait any further hence he has to do it himself already.

A remarkable situation is where the buyer merely did his math in front of the seller, issued the check, got the title and instructed his lawyer present to do the paperworks and legal formalities. In a matter of 15 minutes the deal was done with and everyone was happy with the outcome. Here there was absolute trust and it is again obvious that the buyer really did his own homework ahead of the meeting. The seller could not believe it happened. Well, it happened. 

Even in such rare instances, it is prudent to be ready and properly prepared for any eventuality. Here are some tips: 

1) Be ready with a good reason why you are selling your house and why the buyer should get it. Buyers are definitely interested in knowing it and be assured that what they are getting into is something pleasant and a blessing.

2) Decide on the price that you are willing to sell it. A licensed  appraiser is tasked to provide you a more or less accurate information on the property's valuation. This will give you increased confidence when negotiating with a buyer. It will also prevent you from looking greedy.

3) Make sure your house is ready for trippings or ocular visits by buyers. Your house increases in value if it's in order, presentable and clean. A buyer as far as practicable would want to acquire a house which is ready for occupancy or with very minimal repairs. 

4) Selling the house must be a family decision. Be sure each family member is aware of the reason and there is a brighter future waiting for all. There may be sentimental reasons which must be addressed and the decision to sell should be explained carefully. An objection from a family member, particularly those affecting inherited properties, may trigger lawsuits. It is also an exercise of pragmatism if in situations like these, a written agreement among family members are signed. This should include the shares to be received by each member. 

5) A buyer will be impressed when presented with a complete set of documents concerning the property. The basics documents needed are: original or transfer certificate of title, tax declaration, location map, survey map showing the boundaries, updated realty tax receipts and clearance from the LGU's Treasurer's Office, special power of attorney, court order or extrajudicial settlement of estate, if any, and such others which may obviously be relevant affecting the property.

6) Be aware of the potentials of the property. What are the future developments being planned in the area? When will they materialize? Who are the barangay officials and where is the barangay hall located? Where is the nearest school, hospital, police station and fire station located? What is the crime rate in the area? Are there amenities and facilities available? Remember, this brings you back to No. 1. If this property is that good, why are you selling it?

7) Look at your options ahead of time when it comes to the terms and conditions of the sale. The most ideal is when cash is offered as payment upfront. What if the buyer requires some other conditions? Like installment. Will you still sell your house to the buyer or not? Will you amenable to those conditions or would you negotiate? Be prepared to seek professional help and do not make any decision unless you are sure and informed of the effects and consequences.

8) In relation with the price that you may be willing to offer the property for sale, there are certain items you must consider. They are,  though not limited to, back and current realty taxes, capital gains tax, documentary stamp tax, broker's commission, legal documentation including notarial fees and other expenses related to the sale. You would of course want that these items are covered and they should not cone as a surprise to you.

9) Deal with licensed professionals only. Ask and verify their credentials. You are paying them good money and thus you need an assurance that what you will get will be worth it. There are situations where dealing with somebody without any license would result to a "no deal transaction". This is because you are actually dealing with a web of free lancers with obsessions for overpricing and other greedy schemes. Avoid them. The law cannot protect you for neglect and negligence. As it is now, as a law-abiding citizen, you have the obligation to uphold the law. 

10) Pray. With all your heart and with all your might. With God nothing is impossible.

These are just some tips. They change depending on the situation. When dealing with property, moves are made on a case-to-case basis. Nothing is certain except taxes. Your concerns may require a certain way of addressing them. Therefore, you are still advised to seek professional help from a lawyer, licensed real estate broker, licensed appraiser or a licensed consultant.

There is no substitute for prudence.

Thursday, May 1, 2014


A property which has been mortgaged is intended to secure a loan obtained by the borrower. The property owner may be another person and not necessarily the borrower. Usually, the value of the property is much more than the loan itself. When borrower fails to pay the loan or a certain number of installments, the lender, after due demand, forecloses the property. This means, the loan becomes due in its entirety inclusive if interest and penalties, and as such, foreclosure proceedings will follow. After due notice and postings, the date of auction sale is set and the public is invited to submit their bids, in an amount not lower than that indicated in the notice of foreclosure or auction sale.

The highest bidder is issued a certificate of sale. Should the borrower or owner fails to redeem the property within one year from the date of registration or entry of sale with the Register of Deeds, the right to have ownership and title over the property in favor of the highest bidder becomes a matter if right. Consolidation has its costs and taxes which must be settled.

In the same light that a legal redemptioner is entitled to a declaration or certificate of redemption should the corresponding amount be paid, within the one-year period, to get back the property thus foreclosed and sold.

So a buyer may be confronted with three situations here:

1) buying the property under auction, wait for the redemption period to expire and thereafter have the ownership and title consolidated.

2) buying the property from the lender, if it be the highest bidder, after the redemption period and consolidation. Others take the risk of buying it even before the redemption period expires.

3) buying the property from the owner after it had been redeemed.

It would be a different story if the property was bought prior to the auction sale notwithstanding the commencement of foreclosure. In this case, the lender becomes a party in interest.

So, what is the bottomline?

When buying a foreclosed property, the following "precautionary measures" must be seriously and faithfully considered, notably:

1) make sure that the mortgage is valid and registered.

2) verify that the mortgage covers a property actually existing at its location as described in the certificate of title.

2) look at the mortgage contract and insure that all signatures are authentic by exercising due diligence and asking questions with answers to your full satisfaction as to its ownership, powers of attorney, and settlement of estate, if any.

3) check on the initial foreclosure procedures being followed particularly the notice of auction sale, it's issuance and posting.

4) be ready with your money that will not only pay for the amount of the secured loan but also the foreclosure cost and taxes.

5) secure certified documents from their respective sources and compare them with those submitting in the foreclosure proceedings.

6) get complete names and addresses of the borrower, owner and lender, and make sure they are verified by you, and if they are different from what was indicated in the mortgage contract, ask questions.

7) check on court records and make sure the property is not involved in any case.

8) just to reiterate, and emphasize, make an ocular inspection on the property, as the title should not only be clean but also the property itself.

Buying a foreclosed property may be cheaper and more often than not, it is a good choice. But by opting for one, it is prudent to be meticulous about it before handing over your hard earned money in exchange thereof. Many have made the mistake of being attracted to quick "ROI", only to end up being embroiled in a mess.

As in any kind of situation, the facts differ, so are the approaches to address legal issues and concerns. The opinion here is not conclusive. It is best to seek professional assistance by presenting fully the facts and whatever documents you may have.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Divine Instruction To Be Faithful

"So he gave orders to have them sit down in groups on the green grass." (Read Mark 6:34-44)

Many were hungry, and in this gathering Jesus performed the miracle of multiplying the loaves and the fishes.

But note that there is more into this miracle. There was a Divine Instruction to organize. He ordered that the vast crowd be grouped and made to sit down together. After which everyone had their fill.

What can we learn from this?

Other than the obvious reasons that will be mentioned here, one should really stand out, that despite our nothingness and condition (translation: we can't perform miracles since we are mere human beings), all of us can benefit and be shared with, as long as we remain civil, calm and obedient to simple rules of order. 

We are encouraged to interact with other people. We must know how to communicate with others. We cannot be alone by ourselves. We are obliged to know the people within our circle and neighboring aggrupations.

There is so much wealth and resources in this world. Enough to be enjoyed by all. We just need to consider the fact that we can only have what is sufficient for us and not be greedy as to take all for ourselves. Of course, it goes without stating that we should also take care of such wealth and resources.

Next is the fact that there God. The Divine Being Who makes all things possible. Remember, the people in the groups were not just made to sit together to eat. They were there because of their faith. Their belief that Jesus is the Messiah. As they were following Him, necessarily, they were already given the meaning and value if prayer. Thus, it has been said, whenever two or more are gathered in His Name, God will be in their midst. In this case, Jesus paved the way for them to be faithfuls, and not to remain as a crowd. 

Do we count ourselves as among the faithfuls? Or are we merely among the crowd?

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Real Estate Forecast 2014

Last December of 2012, I cited three major items that will occur involving the real estate industry in 2013.

First, demands for socialized housing will substantially increase;

Second, agritourism will flourish; and

Third, 2013 is the right time to buy real estate.

I was right and I was correct. 

Despite the destruction wrought by the typhoons, floods and earthquakes in various parts of the country, they did not deter or discouraged us and those affected by them from pursuing such real estate plans. 

Granting there were delays, people would find 2014 as the time to bounce back and recover from such temporary disruptions. This is the year to continue working on prior plans and pursue new ones.

Now for my forecasts this year, 2014 -

First, there will be a demand for construction and related materials for purposes of fortifying existing houses and buildings against super typhoons, floods and earthquakes. 

Second, families, particularly wealthy ones, may either relocate or establish new residences, away from potential disaster areas like coastal settlements or those within the reach of storm surges, tsunamis or tidal waves, and those prone to landslides and sinkholes.

Third, people and investors will be more meticulous in choosing and buying properties. They will look at the history of the property in terms of ownership, documentation, and also the potential risks and dangers involved. They will be on the lookout against possible fraud, among others.

Fourth, high rise condominium will continue to be built as the market is also growing. Many local residents are already thinking of moving in to a condominium upon retirement. People have been opting to become minimalists and environment friendly.

Fifth, in as much as the majority of our country's working population is still comprised of families, subdivisions are still the best choices, also for investment reasons. 

Sixth, farm lots, manageable ones, will have a soaring demand. Inspired by successful agritourism projects in Central Luzon and Southern Tagalog, people are thinking of farming their own vegetables and going into some kind of animal husbandry.

Seventh, going back to the exercise of prudence, buyers will be meticulous in legal documentation. Transactions will be guarded against fraud and risks of being exposed to fraudulent ownership and questionable documents. There will be requirements which will necessitate additional professional services of experts. 

Eight, foreclosed properties and those made available in public auctions may be good buys. But always secure the professional help of licensed brokers or lawyers just to make sure. Remember, take tab of the date of registration of the certificate of sale as it will be the start of counting for the redemption period.

Ninth, investors will continue to be on the look out for big frontages and along the road properties. Obviously for commercial purposes. They are into land banking.

Tenth, a lot of heirs are now seriously working on or maybe, still looking at intestate matters or probate of wills. The reasons are practical. The longer the properties would remain delayed in their succession concerns and obligations, the more complicated and costly it will be for all of them. 

So there you are. The common denominator in all the forecasts is recognizably "pragmatism". There is nothing earthshakingly greedy or luxurious. There is money to spend. But people would want it spent cautiously and wisely. 

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Fearless Forecast 2014

Have you ever thought of things that will really never happen in anyone's life, even your own and yet, such products of wild imagination may after all be true or become one, now or in the near future, or perhaps in the past. Then start thinking as you may regret not having prepared for these events or occurrences - which I will dub as the "Fearless Forecast 2014" :

1) The Ring of Fire may cool down for a short period of about three months during summer that will cause snow to fall and cover the pacific rim with ice. After which, volcanoes all over will start to erupt and cover the earth with dusts and smoke, thereby bringing in the new ice age. This may take years of course.

2) Paper money and coins will no longer be accepted the moment the winter season starts. Not even precious metals and stones. Wealth will be measured by the IQ level of the person and people will start to harness energy from their own body and store it for heat and light in exchange for food and commodities. 

3) Nuclear and other weapons of mass destruction will become obsolete, damaged or deactivated by a strange cosmic activity. Suddenly, superpowers are gone. Their carriers, aircrafts and land crafts were likewise disabled. To a certain strange degree, commercial and passenger vessels, airplanes and vehicles are working. Really weird.

4) Old age have become the trend. Geriatric fashion, cuisine and gadgets are in demand. Being young has become a taboo. Everyone has to be sick of something somehow to be in. Despite the old age, the quest for the fountain of youth continues. Vanity of vanities!

5) Synthetic food, artificial sweetener, artificial coloring, artificial flavoring, artificial texture and artificial preservatives have become the hottest fast food items.

6) Global medium of communication is smiling. People have learned to manipulate facial movements in order to communicate. Getting mad or angry has become a capital offense with the death penalty being carried out on the spot. Ours will have a no permit to carry guns  society but we can keep at least one in our homes. There will be no more firecrackers. 

7) Technology will never be the same again. Brains will be wired up to become electronic transmitters for an automated house, automated car, automated learning, automated entertainment, automated purchasing, and of course,  automated elections as well as automating dining and automated emotions.

8) A new international body will be organized to process applications of those intending to migrate to planets of choice where human settlements have been established. Each application would cost approximately one thousand energy chips which is equivalent to twenty thousand push ups.

9) Internet and all related gadgets, hardwares and softwares will be banned for ages 25 and below. This prohibition will include ownership, possession or use of cellphones, tablets, laptops and desktops. Cable televisions shall be regulated and censorship shall be strictly enforced.

10) Solid waste management has become big business with a global treaty and the passage of implementing local laws requiring solid waste to be used as construction materials and also in land reclamation. Meanwhile, all cars which are 10 years old above must be retired and given to solid waste facilities. All houses must have at least 3 levels and be made concrete using solid waste materials that will withstand Category 5 and up Typhoons or magnitude 8 earthquakes including storm surges and tsunamis. All other houses shall be torn down and used by such facilities.

That's it folks! My fearless forecast. As I have earlier forewarned you, they may not happen but they may be bases for future inventions and decisions or even laws that could be passed with certain modifications. Some may be funny but it depends on how you would want yourself to understand them. So let's see what happens next!

By the way, I own the copyright of this blog and thus, contact me for any intended movie or theatrical or entertainment adaptation. This is my 11th  Fearless Forecast. 

Wednesday, January 1, 2014


Come, Holy Ghost, Creator blest,
and in our hearts take up Thy rest;
come with Thy grace and heav'nly aid,
To fill the hearts which Thou hast made.

O Comforter, to Thee we cry,
Thou heav'nly gift of God most high,
Thou Fount of life, and Fire of love,
and sweet anointing from above.

O Finger of the hand divine,
the sevenfold gifts of grace are thine;
true promise of the Father thou,
who dost the tongue with power endow.

Thy light to every sense impart,
and shed thy love in every heart;
thine own unfailing might supply
to strengthen our infirmity.

Drive far away our ghostly foe,
and thine abiding peace bestow;
if thou be our preventing Guide,
no evil can our steps betide.

Praise we the Father and the Son
and Holy Spirit with them One;
and may the Son on us bestow
the gifts that from the Spirit flow.


V. Send forth Thy Spirit, and they shall be created. R. And Thou shalt renew the face of the earth.

Let us Pray: O God, Who didst instruct the hearts of the faithful by the light of the Holy Ghost: give to us, in the same Spirit, to know what is right, and ever rejoice in His consolation. Through Jesus Christ, Thy Son, our Lord, Who with Thee livest and reignest in the unity of the same Holy Spirit, God. World without end. Amen.

* plenary indulgence when recited on January 1