
Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Divine Instruction To Be Faithful

"So he gave orders to have them sit down in groups on the green grass." (Read Mark 6:34-44)

Many were hungry, and in this gathering Jesus performed the miracle of multiplying the loaves and the fishes.

But note that there is more into this miracle. There was a Divine Instruction to organize. He ordered that the vast crowd be grouped and made to sit down together. After which everyone had their fill.

What can we learn from this?

Other than the obvious reasons that will be mentioned here, one should really stand out, that despite our nothingness and condition (translation: we can't perform miracles since we are mere human beings), all of us can benefit and be shared with, as long as we remain civil, calm and obedient to simple rules of order. 

We are encouraged to interact with other people. We must know how to communicate with others. We cannot be alone by ourselves. We are obliged to know the people within our circle and neighboring aggrupations.

There is so much wealth and resources in this world. Enough to be enjoyed by all. We just need to consider the fact that we can only have what is sufficient for us and not be greedy as to take all for ourselves. Of course, it goes without stating that we should also take care of such wealth and resources.

Next is the fact that there God. The Divine Being Who makes all things possible. Remember, the people in the groups were not just made to sit together to eat. They were there because of their faith. Their belief that Jesus is the Messiah. As they were following Him, necessarily, they were already given the meaning and value if prayer. Thus, it has been said, whenever two or more are gathered in His Name, God will be in their midst. In this case, Jesus paved the way for them to be faithfuls, and not to remain as a crowd. 

Do we count ourselves as among the faithfuls? Or are we merely among the crowd?

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