
Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Climate Change = Lifestyle Change

How do we respond to climate change? Passive and annoyingly indifferent? Or proactively concerned? By this time, our answers become ever more relevant as climate change has shown its adverse consequences and effects on the lives of many. 

As repeatedly declared, "the time to act is now!" 

Fine. But in what way should we act? Alone? I am not even a David to fight the Goliaths of today. 

While it is understandable for a person to be overwhelmed with what is happening around him, it is not a reason not to act and do something. 

It is important to realize that this is one aspect in the life of a person where his singular effort can actually make a difference.

If one were to change his lifestyle and others would do the same then it is like lighting a candle and joining others who are doing the same. The result is an astounding illumination of what was once enveloped in total darkness. 

We are aware by this time of what climate change is and how our it has drastically changed the way we think. We also know what global warming is and how it has substantially contributed to climate change.

The indiscriminate and irresponsible use and abuse of the earth's resources have created a culture of greed, materialism and indifference. This did not fit well to any well meaning person's dreams and aspirations. 

There are five wise things one can do to effect a lifestyle change in relation with climate change :

1. Choose Wisely. Whether it be a pair of socks or a house, the principle of choosing is the same - get only what you need. You may want something but you do not need it. You may need it but you really do not want it. More often than not, if you have chosen something which you do not need and want, then it'll surely go to waste or you may not be happy about it after all. So the secret - get only what you need that will make you happy.

2. Use Wisely. One may have the best things in life. But if that person doesn't know what it means to use them with care or uses it other than for the purpose it may be intended, then it'll soon wear off or may soon be broken. So, if you can merely press it with your finger, don't use a hammer. If it's a table, don't sit on it. If it's a chair, don't stand on it. If it's a bed, don't jump on it. 

3. Save Wisely. Have you been told to "save for a rainy day?" Literally. If it is raining we prefer to stay indoors and when there is a typhoon, we need to stay home. When that happens, what we have at home would be what we can have. But what if there is nothing? Just to imagine such a situation is already difficult. What more in reality. So saving is used here in many ways - save money, save resources and save lives. Set aside not only money but your resources. You'll  never know when you'll find a need for them.

4. Recycle Wisely. Old items may continue to be useful. Others may still be fit for something else other than the original purpose for which they are made. A good example is the use of old tires in lieu of damage corals. Be creative. You'll not only save the environment but Dave on resources and money too.

5. Dispose Wisely. Segregate. This is now basic. Biodegradable trash must separated from non-biodegradable items. Solid wastes must be managed well so as not to aggravate the already alarming state of our environment. It has been proven that among the major causes of flood or diseases l is the improper disposal of garbage. They clog and pollute the waterways, rivers etc. Be concerned by knowing your duty to yourself, family, community, country and to the environment. 

Be grateful to God for the blessings you have right now and the opportunity to make a difference. You are not alone. 

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