
Saturday, September 27, 2014

Turning Point 2016

In the life of every nation as in the life of any person, there is a turning point when that life is defined and headed towards what is perceived to be as "success". 

There are milestones which are bound to happen. For an individual, there is puberty, adolescence, marriage or death. For a country, one can think of agricultural development, industrialization and prosperity. For a nation, like the Philippines, it's colonization, independence and global economic prominence.

So the question would be - where are we now as a country and as a nation?

The Philippines is perceived to be making headways in its fight against graft and corruption. Thanks to a national leadership which is committed to change the course of history through a straight path and by exercising political will and instituting reforms. 

Consistency in vision and policies have  allowed President Aquino to have a firm grip on the affairs of government and in leading our nation. It is noteworthy that the Philippines is a country ravaged by a super typhoon, a consequence of climate change, territorial disputes in the high seas, wars and unrests in foreign lands that could spell unemployment for OFWs, global crisis affecting economies, inefficiency in the government service, ideological struggles, threats to the peace process and the continuing problem of poverty. Yet, despite all such concerns, the Philippines is able to move on.

As Filipinos, we are expected to do our part as responsible citizens. Simple things when put together can already make a difference. For instance -

Say no to corruption.
Promote peace.
Obey the laws.
Go environmentally green.
Pay your taxes.
Be vigilant.
Save money.
Give to charity.
Respect the elders.
Protect the children.
Strengthen the family as an institution.
Above all, pray to God.

Aware of the good and the bad things that are in our midst right now, and having done our part as responsible citizens, 2016 must be the turning point for our country and our nation. We've had enough of practically everything which people would not wish for.

2016 is election year and we must insure that it should be the turning point for the Philippines. We know that our vote counts during elections. Our vote should be the embodiment of our hopes, aspirations and our efforts for a better Philippines, and therefore, our vote is sacred and can neither be bought nor swayed by mere popularity of a politician.

We must be vigilant and intelligent enough all throughout this 2015, to distinguish the truth from lies, and facts from fiction. In this way, we can make learned decisions that we will not regret. 

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