
Sunday, September 1, 2013


For now -

Can we only assume that a suspected mastermind of this pork barrel scam will be charged, convicted and jailed for life?

Can we assume that the big fish and crocodiles who roamed or may still be roaming around the august halls of Congress will be hauled to court and likewise jailed?

Can we only assume that there are still chances of getting back to the public coffers the money which were plundered and squandered, and put to real good public use?

Can we only assume that the pork barrel has been truly abolished, or its derivatives will soon be scrapped, or its modification should not even be thought about?

Now read some more and between the lines -

Can we only assume that there is a better alternative?

And the question remains - is there anything we can do rather just assume or remain the infuriated spectators and harassed citizenry?

Realistically speaking, scams, scandals, and controversies will come and go, but what happened?

Life after PDAF can be boring unless we act. True, we had the million march and now the Edsa Tayo. And then?

So, how do we act?

Continue with the mass actions? Then what?

Mount civil disobedience? Then what?

Initiate people's initiative? Then what?

Be vigilant? Then what?

Pork barrel, discretionary funds, intelligence funds, etc. have all been integral parts of our political and administrative system for quite some time. Even if they are abolished or modified with airtight mechanisms against plunder and corruption, money will still be spent and new corrupt practices will be devised.

So what's new?

Ok. Enough with pessimism.

As citizens, we feel harassed. Yes. Terribly and so unjustly guillotined emotionally and mentally by these large scale looting. So much greed has been revealed that has long been concealed.

We are called upon to resilient and be able to pick up the pieces.

There is a big difference now than before, when we can only talk in private about pork barrel. There may have been public discussions, but not as wide, extensive and so scandalous than what is happening now.

We are certain that somehow there are persons or warm bodies who will be charged and prosecuted, and must held liable for the return of the squandered amount. If they can't give them back in cash, at least get hold of their ill gotten wealth.

We can strongly lobby for true reforms and genuine transparency. Suggest ways by which the people can have access to any information about all projects and disbursements.

Of course, we must pray for guidance and success to all our efforts.

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