
Saturday, August 17, 2013

Enough is Just Too Much

As the saying goes, "enough is enough". But now, the people of the Philippines must say, "enough is too much". In the first place, no one has the right to dip his hand into the so called "pork barrel" for his own personal benefit. That is plain and simply stealing. The money belongs to the people and meant to be spent for the people and for our country. We are being told that the funds amount to billions of pesos. Let us not count the classrooms, roads, books and other projects which could have been acquired for the public good with this amount of taxpayers money, but instead, let us determine the amount of interest this amount could have earned for the Republic, and which could have been put to good use. So, the idea here is is that not only should the guilty be prosecuted and put behind bars, but they should be made to account for the funds stolen, and with interest plus other penalties. Pork barrel. Crazy huh!

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