
Friday, December 22, 2017


Christmas Triduum

It is defined as a three-day period of prayer, usually in preparation for an important feast or in celebration of that feast. It is strongly recommended that each family should celebrate the Christmas Triduum in celebration of the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. This will be an occasion for family bonding and for love to flourish.

Specific Objectives & Description of Activities

Spiritual Renewal and Reinvigoration – fully manifested in our personal prayers, confessions and participation in Holy Masses as well as during the family prayers (Holy Rosary and Holy Bible Sharing)

Retrospecting and Resolutions – an opportunity for reflections, reality checking and determination of life's resolutions and plans esp for the coming 2018.

Family Bonding – family will get together, share stories, play the piano or organ, sing together and have meals on the table, and share them together.

The bottom line is as a family, we will welcome Jesus with open arms, and embrace Him with so much holiness and love, so that His Blessings and Graces will be showered upon all of us and into our Home.

We will consecrate the Family and our Home to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

All throughout, let us pray that St. Pio and St. Philomena and all the Holy Archangels and Holy Angels, as well as the Holy Saints will be with us. May the Holy Souls in Purgatory likewise pray for all of us.

Among the activities or rules that may be adopted are:

• Clean-up areas of the house / in relation with Caritas
(this means we will set aside good items which could be donated)
• Prepare Home for Christmas
• Confessions and Holy Communion
• Sort and Arrange personal belongings
• Focus on the Triduum and refrain from working on office and school tasks
• No gadgets (mobile phones, tablets, laptops etc)
• Everyone shall follow a prescribed schedule for daily activities
(Each day must start at 6:00AM and end at 10:00PM
• Make the Holy Bible accessible to all at anytime
• Always carry and pray the Holy Rosary

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