
Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Merry Christmas !

We cannot help but look back at and compare the merriest past when Christmas was celebrated with loved ones. Then and now, we still do, and much better. Indeed, we should be thankful for the blessings showered upon us, and all the more at this time - as we commemorate the Birth of Jesus - given the signs of the times and the challenges of our present lives, the stresses in the world and the frustrations in our society. We must continually pray and ask for guidance. for protection and for graces that we may be strengthened in our faith and be more generous in sharing what we ought to. The spirit of Christmas will forever live on, actually eternally, as a season that we must carry on 24/7/365/52, in a life of sharing, of charity, and of holiness. We - myself, my wife Cheva and our children - wish you all a very Merry Christmas !

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