
Sunday, November 3, 2013

Fingerpointing, Pessimism and Truth

There is just so much chaos in this world. We just feel harassed. Always in fear of something. We could not have any peace of mind, thinking that when tomorrow comes, we will be in trouble of some sort. We cannot understand why, despite the good things that we do, we seem to be always on trial. And when people do something bad, they appear to be contended and happy. 

Does that mean, bad people are better off in this world, and those who meant good must suffer? 

What about those who are really suffering? What did they do to deserve what they are going through? We cannot really imagine people being massacred, villages wiped out by floods, crops razed by fire or typhoon, children getting sick, and many getting hungry? 

Yet, there is so much waste in this world. By merely observing around us, of the ten people, about three will have leftovers thrown away and would have been just enough to feed the remaining seven. The same is true with people around the world. A few would live in abundance, waste and throw out the excesses, which are enough for the greater number to benefit from what was discarded. 

The rich gets richer, while the poor getting poorer. Others get drunk and greedy. Many are increasingly getting high and bum. There is this disgusting and dark culture of corruption that keeps on hovering around us, and which has in fact permeated into the very moral fabric of our society.

We have voiced out aloud that enough is enough, and we invent ways of getting heard, of catching attention, and well, in a way, just making noises actually. This is unfortunate since at the end of the day, we prefer to go to bed and sleep, for tomorrow will be another day. Always within the comfort zone. One did not even bother to pray.

What?! Is that it? Any better idea?

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