
Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Rallying Behind The Chief !

We really need honest people in government. We have constantly prayed for those who can serve with integrity and with dedication. We deserve better treatment as citizens and we therefore deserve public servants who can protect us against graft and corruption, who are compassionate enough and helpful as to guide us toward genuine progress. We can only take so much, but we have had enough. We can take no more. A harassed citizenry has its spilling point, and we had our taste of what people power can do. People are now talking of doing it all over again. But of course, we know that will not happen. We still have our President, who has given us the assurance that things will be better. So we rally behind him,for he is  like a good shepherd leading us to greener pastures and protecting us from the wolves in sheepskins. 

Let us pray then for President Aquino and His Team. Let us pray for our nation and our country. As we pray, we must work and do our part as good citizens. 

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