
Saturday, June 1, 2013

Post Election Assessment

People, are we still important now? Do you think, you are significant now than before the elections? Is there a difference between then and now? Trabaho. Negosyo. Ano pa?

Philippine politics is an event for all seasons. It should be. Otherwise, only the whims and caprices of the few will be served, and not really the sentiments and aspirations of the people, which should be primarily addressed.

Assessment? Well, back to problems and more problems. Those who were elected may just have to buckle down to work at this early even if their official term starts not until July 1. Some will be resolving issues and concerns, others will be the problems themselves.

People, be vigilant and proactive. Do not be complacent and well, ah, mediocre. We should know who the servants are. We should know who the users are. Simply stated, know the difference.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Commonwealth Avenue,Quezon City,Philippines

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