
Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Respect for Privacy : It's History Now

We are in a very different world now. Yes, there is no doubt about it. Nobody can really argue that we as human beings can no longer enjoy some form or degree of privacy, even if it will merely consist of a simple smile or laughter. The saying goes, "someone is watching" or "I know what you did yesterday", etcetera.

Sounds a bit exaggerated. I don't think so.

At least, this is already true for those who are reading this at this very moment. Why? Well, because you are hooked up with the World Wide Web, the Internet. This is the very culprit or at least technology, if I may so, that is responsible for a lot of things happening around all of us, such as but not limited to the following:

1 - when you open your mobile phone, whether for a voice call or text messaging, or for web browsing, you are actually registering your whereabouts, and the location of the other party you are communicating with;

2 - it is possible that when you talk to someone, or send a text to somebody, you are allowing a third party to monitor your conversation or text message exchanges; of course, this is denied by third party concerned, and for which reason, I stated upfront, "it is possible";

3 - when you open your desktop, laptop or tablet, the same situation applies where somebody, somewhere, and somehow, a third party is able to intrude and explore the inner core of your computer, hacked it, infect it with virus, or simply rob you out with data and information, or intellectual property; very recently, we learned of news that emails are intercepted in the interest of national security;

4 - let us go to the animal kingdom, our world - embattled and dumped with too much technology, when you shop till you drop, when you fill up your tank, when you enroll your child, when you pay up your bills, when you order, when you withdraw money from the ATM, or in sum, when you use your cards or numbers - credit card, debit card, loyalty card, shopping card, gas card, social security number, tax identification number, government health number, professional identification number, etc. - or in any cashless transactions - all these will show who you are, what you are made of, your preferences, status, residence, age, address, gender, names of family members, books you read, food you eat, clothes you wear, songs you hear, movies watched, and medicines you take as well as places you go to;

5. Ah, and now the already becoming ubiquitous CCTV camera has made surveillance of people simpler, and quite annoying for many. On the road, in malls, business establishments, villages and even houses - we are being watched, from one place to the other, city to the other, country and to the next.

The list is endless. But is there an end to all these? Is there a way to stop it?

Not anymore. In the name of safety, security, anti-terrorism and anti-crime, not even the power of legislation or adjudication could stop them. We have been made to believe and in fact, experience the need for those.

Privacy is a thing of the past. We allowed it to happen.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Quezon City,Philippines

Sunday, June 2, 2013


by Elbert Hubbard


If you work for a man, in heaven's name work
for him!

If he pays you wages that supply you your bread
and butter, work for him speak well of him,
think well of him, stand by him and stand by the
institution he represents.

I think if I worked for a man I would work for
him. I would not work for him a part of the time,
and the rest of the time work against him. I
would give an undivided service or none. If put
to the pinch, an ounce of loyalty is worth a pound
of cleverness.

If you must vilify, condemn and
eternally disparage, why, resign your position,
and when you are outside, damn to your heart's
content. But, I pray you, so long as you are a
part of an institution, do not condemn it. Not that
you will injure the institution not that but
when you disparage the concern of which you
are a part, you disparage yourself.


Saturday, June 1, 2013


In any democracy, what matters the most is that the true will of the people is expressed and upheld, in a free, peaceful, orderly and honest manner. That is the very essence of elections, where we are able to choose the leaders who will occupy public positions of trust and responsibility, in order to serve us. We expect of our leaders to be true to their oath as public servants, to be loyal to the Republic and to the Flag, to be good and honest in their dealings and discharge of their functions, to be of genuine service to the people, and more than anything else, to be God-fearing and God-centered.

Thus, through elections, we are called upon to decide as to who will best serve and represent our sentiments and aspirations, and in our best judgment, who may be willing to be sincerely accountable to us as a body electorate. This is democracy.

If and when that right to choose is violated through cheating, and replacing the true will of the people with fraud, then the trust of the people on the system erodes miserably. The question is then raised whether those who have been proclaimed are the true winners to be the true representatives of the people.

Without the full assurance, yes, full and absolute guarantee that the system is flawless and 100% reliable, then the moral authority as well as legal privilege of the supposed winner becomes doubtful. This is not democracy.

For now, we can only rely on the assurance of "tuwid na daan" governance. With that, we must move on but continue to perfect the system and remove all the imperfections.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Post Election Assessment

People, are we still important now? Do you think, you are significant now than before the elections? Is there a difference between then and now? Trabaho. Negosyo. Ano pa?

Philippine politics is an event for all seasons. It should be. Otherwise, only the whims and caprices of the few will be served, and not really the sentiments and aspirations of the people, which should be primarily addressed.

Assessment? Well, back to problems and more problems. Those who were elected may just have to buckle down to work at this early even if their official term starts not until July 1. Some will be resolving issues and concerns, others will be the problems themselves.

People, be vigilant and proactive. Do not be complacent and well, ah, mediocre. We should know who the servants are. We should know who the users are. Simply stated, know the difference.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Commonwealth Avenue,Quezon City,Philippines