
Wednesday, April 3, 2013


As provided under Republic Act No. 9904 otherwise known as "AN ACT PROVIDING FOR A MAGNA CARTA FOR HOMEOWNERS AND HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCIATIONS, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES", the rights and duties of a member are as follows:


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Section 7. Rights of a Member. - An association member has full rights:


(a) to avail of and enjoy all basic community services and the use of common areas and facilities;

(b) to inspect association books and records during office hours and to be provided upon request with annual reports, including financial statements;

(c) to participate, vote and be eligible for any elective or appointive office of the association subject to the qualifications as provided for in the bylaws;

(d) to demand and promptly receive deposits required by the association as soon as the condition for the deposit has been complied with or the period has expired;

(e) to participate in association meetings, elections and referenda, as long as his/her bona fide membership subsists; and

(f) to enjoy all other rights as may be provided for in the association bylaws.


Section 8. Duties of a Member. - A member shall have the following duties:


(a) to pay membership fees, dues and special assessments;

(b) to attend meetings of the association; and

(c) to support and participate In projects and activities of the association.

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