
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Negotiation : Basics

Among the pitfalls of a failed negotiation is going to the negotiating table with nothing. Not being prepared with anything, or just a few, would make one vulnerable to attacks by the other party.

If you were in the shoes of that one, you wouldn't want a situation where you will succumbed to all the terms of the other party and give up with what you have for less than what you rightfully deserve in the first place.

In this situation, whether the negotiation pushes through or not, it it still is a failure.

Negotiation must give you something that equalizes your position with the other party, where both of you must still gain from the transaction while giving up those which you or the other can live without.

The seller, he gets paid with such amount that will enable him to move on with his greener pasture plans. For the buyer, he gets the property that he wants that he feels will give him more than what he said for it.

In real estate transactions, both the seller and buyers must have in their possession the following:

1) certificate of title over the property

2) tax declaration

3) zonal valuation

4) realty tax payments or clearance

5) location map or approved survey

6) certified appraisal

7) plan of sale outlining your options, desired terms and conditions

8) background of the other party

Yes, very basic indeed. They will provide you with data or facts to enable you to make an informed decision. Further, they will serve as important tools in the negotiation.

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