
Sunday, January 20, 2013

Catching A Liar

A liar is a dishonest person. He talks to a point that his lies are taken as the truth. His intention is to make you believe his lies. His objective is to get what he wants. Whatever it may be.

In real estate transactions, lying comes in many forms and kinds as well as degrees. You are promised a mansion when the truth is its a shanty. You are offered a bargain but the truth is its cunning money making scheme. You are shown with seemingly authentic documents although they are actually fakes and together.

Caveat emptor. Buyers beware.

Sellers should beware too.

So. How do you catch a person when he lies? When he cheats? When he is a swindler?

Positively, how do you get a good bargain and close an honest deal?

When a person brings out all the documents you require and ask for, and he talks to you about the numbers and details of the transaction, and you can sense an atmosphere of objectivity and common sense, then that person must be telling the truth. Otherwise, he is lying.

In the end, what matters is you are able to validate and verify the information you receive and the documents that you get.

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