
Monday, January 7, 2013

Ban Firecrackers !!!

Now that the excitement has fizzled down, I just thought that firecracker explosions will have likewise ceased. I was wrong. Just now, somebody in our neighborhood seems to have some hang ups and could not get over with the new year's revelry. Quite annoying with all the casualties reported and the fact that firecrackers have obviously become bolder and definitely obnoxious.

There is really nothing wrong with the right to celebrate an occasion. Whether it is based on any belief, tradition or trend, it really doesn't matter. However, when in the course of the celebration, there are means employed to make it harmful and worst, deadly, then we can no longer consider it as complementary to make a celebration fun and joyful.

Generally, a law is a product of common sense. It is basic that a person or a thing must not hurt or injure anyone otherwise the act or the thing should be prohibited.

A gun could be controlled. It is the person who would sometimes go out of control. Hence, issuance of a license must be stricter and psychiatric tests must be thorough. So even if a gun is dangerous, its use against lawless elements has merits.

On the other hand, no matter how firecrackers are regulated, a piece or two would still fall in the hands of children who are vulnerable to these things. And even if it is in the hands of adults, the manner of setting it up and lighting it up are beyond the control of manufacturers and the authorities. Even more worrisome is when it goes up or down or goes berserk, then, no man or nature has control over it. Take cover for you may become the victim he moment it explodes. I have yet to hear a case filed or won against a manufacturer due to a defective or dangerous firecracker sold by it.

Since it is practically impossible to regulate or control the handling and use of firecrackers by individuals, then it must be banned. These things have adverse environmental and health effects which must be seriously considered. The rampant burning of tires, and messing up of the surroundings remain unabated.

More importantly, the limbs and lives lost cannot be taken for granted. Indiscriminate firing of guns will continue to be a menace as long as there are firecracker explosions and noises that will serve as its cover.

Strike at the root of the problem. Do not look at the leaves that fall. You will not resolve anything from nothing.

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