
Saturday, December 22, 2012

Opening Our Hearts For Jesus

Jesus was born in a manger - a trough where food for animals are placed. Not fit for the Kings.

Would it be the same then had people known that it was Jesus who would be born that evening? Definitely not. They would give the best room where Mother Mary could give birth to Our Lord.

But would it really make a difference? At least for the person who appeared to be seemingly "generous".

Probably not. This is for the simple reason that the hearts of the people were selective. They would accept Jesus if it was made known who He was and expected to be born, yet refuse the very same Jesus whose identity was not to be revealed at that point.

Today, the poor would ask for alms or food, yet they are driven away and worst, despised. People even blame the government for not doing anything. For not doing what? For not keeping them away from your sight? How dare them? What have they done anyway and by the way?

And even if they have something to give to the poor starving person, how much did they give that person? Is it enough to buy a decent food for the day? Of course, one can always rationalize that they are dummies for syndicates. Then, give them food instead of money. Give them clothes. Offer them what you would have given to Jesus, had Our Lord asked you the same.

Actually, we are not being required to do more than what we could. It is enough that we open our hearts to Jesus, welcome Him into our lives, and let His Love dwelling in us to do the rest.

Is that difficult? Pray for wisdom and understanding. Ever remember that each one of us are called upon to serve, all for the greater Honor and Glory of God.

Merry Christmas !

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