
Saturday, February 11, 2012


Mabuhay !

In my long years as a real estate law practitioner, I have heavily utilized the internet. So far it has served me a bit well in terms of expediting and simplifying my work. However, there will always be something lacking and wanting in the internet as it is obviously never perfect.

It is my belief that there has to be some way by which I can make a difference in this world and through this work together with my wife and children. This blog is among those which I find to be a great opportunity in sharing what has been learned and experienced through all these years.

This blog had been created for informational and educational purposes. It is intended to provide data and information as well as links which are deemed helpful in a person's research works. The blog will focus on the the Philippine's real estate industry including current events and other useful ideas.  It will advocate the promotion of sustainable use and development of earth's resources, specifically land and water.

Today, being a special day for me and my loving wife, Cheva, I dedicate this blog to her and to our children.

Atty. Caloy Caliwara

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