
Saturday, July 25, 2015

Internet and Social Media Ethics

We are all aware that internet has taken us to greater heights particularly in terms of making ourselves really very productive in our work or project. Through the internet, we have practically an unlimited access to information in just a matter of seconds. It has helped cut the time for doing research works, and the “cut and paste” process has obviously reduce the period to come up with a report, article or any document that we are preparing for our purposes.

Internet has tremendously widen the horizons for knowledge and there are many things in this world that could now be reached and known. Gone are the days when we had to spend hours, days, months and even years just to gather information.

Among the benefits of internet is the use of social media. It does not only provide information but it has likewise given us the opportunity to communicate in real time, and post anything that we may want others to know. One may ego trip by posting accomplishments, travels, signature items, associations with people, among others. Others would share videos and ideas which may be serious, funny or trivial in nature. Some would go to the extent of expressing their dismay, hatred, anger or displeasure if only it will make them feel better.

There are however certain rules to follow when using the internet or social media, and they are: 
·       Avoid using foul, vulgar and slanderous language.

·       Be mindful that there are minors browsing the internet.

·       Do not carelessly post offensive materials.

·       Abide by the laws in your area and be aware of copyright laws.

·       Verify the facts and make sure they are correct and the truth.

·       Respect the rights and beliefs of others.

·       Personal, family and organizational feuds, controversies and other similar issues must not be posted unless the same involve public interest and posting is done in good faith and without malice.

·       Do not post or support pornographic and illegal contents. Report them immediately.
Your account or domain may be your kingdom in the world wide web. But there is a difference in how you should conduct yourself unlike the monarchs who are absolute rulers. You are expected to make you kingdom clean and wholesome. Do not mess up your own territory or those of others. They may have “liked” or made you a “friend” but that does not mean that you can do violence to such relationship which have established. Do not allow any reason for netizens to hate you.

Bottomline is do not allow garbage to contaminate the mind. Use common sense. Be responsible with and for what you post.