
Thursday, November 29, 2012






Atty. Carlos Mayorico E. Caliwara, Dip.I.R,

SBC Law '87



The history of mankind has always been a battle between good and evil. It is a desperate and actually a hopeless struggle for world domination on the part of evil - that seeks to trample down on the good. But the battleground known as earth has seen how the good has constantly brought home the laurels of victory. The forces of good and truth have continuously been built up, reinforced and maintained. Joining in these efforts is no less than the San Beda College of Law, our Alma Mater, divinely tasked to train sentinels of truth and justice who would insure that the good will always prevail. These noble mission and sacred traditions are carried on by Bedans through the years until kingdom come.


Bedans, as aptly described in our hymn, are perpetually committed to prayer, work and peace. We are expected to have a strong faith in God and an untiring love of the truth. During our college of law days, we were trained and molded to be strong and to constantly bring honor and fame amidst trials and hardships.


The courageous members of SBC Law Batch '87 knew what they are faced with, and that is, even from the moment each had embarked on separate journeys through life. It was tough and the world has turned out to be a jungle. The significance of the law profession became even more prominent, imperative and recognized. As lawyers and as Bedans, society looks upon us and expects us to lead and make a difference in this world. We are neither viewers nor spectators, we are the prime movers and leaders.


So, as we come home from a long journey, are we bringing home the laurels? Of truth and justice? The honor of having led a moral life and an honest professional practice of law?


This is the essence of homecoming – "sharing how life has been blessed by the Lord and what we did so far for the good of humanity".


Indeed, there will be fellowships, a reunion, networking, and even an opportunity for bragging rights. These are the incidentals. At the end of the day, after the homecoming, everyone may have to ask, "did it make me or will it enable me to become a better person, a roarin 'Bedan questing for truth and justice, and leading a moral life?"


The SBC Law Batch '87 offers its continuous commitment to the Bedan ideals and principles. Faced with bigger responsibilities and more daring challenges, we shall carry on and answer the clarion call, for San Beda, our country and God !

The Next 15 Years

The true challenge ahead is what we would be confronted with, now and through the next 15 years of our respective lives.

As we celebrate our 25th year since we graduated from the San Beda College of Law, we thank God, we thank our spouses and family, we thank our Alma Mater, our professors and the entire Bedan family, and we thank
all others who have become parts of our lives.

We are fully aware that this will be our turning point where we shall embark on a personal mission - for our family, community and God.

Such mission, discerned through prayers, may be far greater and more challenging than before. The difference this time is that there can be no excuses, no ifs and buts, and no reason to fail.

Our labor is our prayer. The end would be our defining point. What we would accomplish shall be our legacy.

More than ever, let us clasp the hands that serve, keep our hearts imbued with charity, enrich our minds that care, and share the blessings that constantly pour upon us.

On our 15th year, from today, it will be our 40th year. Let us continuously pray for guidance, protection and longer life - as we bid "God Bless" and further say "till we meet again".

Monday, November 26, 2012

Burdened? Pause and Rest.

"When eyelids are heavy, it is time to go to sleep and take some rest. Otherwise the quality of anything that you do suffers."
When you feel that there is just so much to do, but you have too little of what you need to move on - such as physical stamina or strength, information to make a learned decision, people who are consistent to assist you, or resources like funds and other logistics - then you are carrying a load so heavy that has become a burden to you.
What does this situation trying to convey to you?
It simply means - whatever it is that you are doing or preoccupied with, that something would eventually take away the happiness that you may be currently enjoying or your efforts in pursuing happiness may be an exercise in futility.
When that happens, you will realize that it is not really a matter of treating it as a challenge. It is instead, a burden that you have to address. You need to "un-burden" yourself with what is turning out to be an obstacle to where you want to go.
For instance, there are people in your midst that do not even deserve any attention. Either they make your work more difficult, or your life miserable. But of course, you cannot ignore them. You may have to take action by making it clear to all your objectives, and your standards. Meaning, they must be made aware of what you intend to achieve and how they can help you. Otherwise, there is no reason for them to be around since they will be a burden to you.
From a different perspective, if you were working for somebody, and you feel that you are merely being used for vested interest, and you are not happy with your work since there is sense of fulfillment, then it is a sign that either your role should be redefined where would be in accord with your conscience, or you may have to resign. There is no point in becoming a martyr when the people you work with do not or the person you work for does not stand for any cause, or may not be, quoting Ninoy,  "worth dying for".
Confronted with a burden, you must temporarily, briefly and comfortably disconnect from the outside world. You will need to detach yourself from a busy, hectic, noisy, materialistic, uncaring, selfish, and chaotic world.
It's like going to bed and experience a restful sleep. You go through a ritual of washing your face, combing your hair brushing your teeth, putting on your pajama or sleeping wardrobe, switching off the light, and tucking yourself in a comfortable bed, embracing a pillow and covering yourself with a nice blanket in a cool room, free from any unnecessary noise, or pests like mosquitos, cockroaches and rodents. All after saying your night prayers and hoping for a pleasant dream. There can be nightmares too. But only if you bring your worries, hatred that you harbor and doubts to your sleep.
So how do you do this sleeping ritual in real life while awake and where you must un-burden yourself?
Follow some simple steps. You will be surprised that there is really nothing new or spectacular with this process. You just do not pay attention perhaps to basic things in life. Here they are:
Sanctuary. Find a place where you can be by yourself. A place blessed by silence. Without any interruption. No mobile phones. No computers. No gadgets. Just a notebook and your pen.
Faith. Place yourself in the holy presence of the Almighty God. Bear in mind that when you do so, whatever it is that you think, do or say - are offered in prayers and for His greater honor and glory. Not yours or anyone else.
Concerns. Make a list of your concerns. Do not consider any of them as problems. They are not. Remember that there are problems that cannot be resolved. Concerns are addressable at all times. Be precise and be certain what these concerns are. You do this by (a) assigning a name to it; (b) defining what it is; (c) ascertaining what needs to be done; (d) specifying how each steps shall be done; (e) identifying the people who will help you; (f) making an inventory of your material resources and funds needed; (g) being ready with what may go wrong and how you will handle it; and (h) drawing up a timetable and as much as practicable, a flowchart
Action. Do not due put off for tomorrow what you can do today. It may mean trouble if you incur a delay. You must note that at this stage, your compliance with what you have set out to do is very important. This could spell success or failure.
Congratulations for your patience, and interest in reading this material. It would show that you are serious in what you want for your life at this time. This means you want to move on and succeed more. So, go get your well deserved retreat.

Saturday, November 17, 2012


The history of mankind has always been a battle between good and evil. It is a desperate struggle for world domination on the part of evil, that seeks to trample down on the good. But the battleground known as earth has seen how the good has constantly brought home the laurels of victory. The forces of good and truth have continuously been built up, reinforced and maintained. Joining in these efforts is no less the San Beda College of Law, divinely tasked to train sentinels of truth and justice who would insure that the good will always prevail. These noble mission and sacred traditions are carried on by Bedans through the years until kingdom come.
Bedans, as aptly described in our hymn, are perpetually committed to  prayer, work and peace. We are expected to have a strong faith in God and an untiring love of the truth. During our college of law days, we were trained and molded to be strong and to constantly bring honor and fame amidst trials and hardships.
The members of Batch 87 knew what they are faced with, and that is even from the moment each had embarked on separate journeys through life. It was tough and the world has turned out to be a jungle. The significance of the law profession became even more prominent, imperative and recognized. As lawyers and as Bedans, society looks upon us and expects us to lead and make a difference in this world. We are neither viewers nor spectators, we are the prime movers and leaders. There is no other option.
So, as we come home from a long journey, are we bringing home the laurels? Of truth and justice? The honor of having led a moral life and an honest professional practice of law?
This is the essence of homecoming - Sharing how life has been blessed by the Lord and more importantly, what we did so far for humanity. Indeed, there will be fellowships, a reunion, networking, and even an opportunity for bragging rights. These are the incidentals. At the end of the day, after the homecoming, did it make me or will it enable me to become a better person, a roarin' Bedan questing for truth and justice, and leading a moral life?
Batch 87 offers its continuous commitment to the Bedan ideals and principles. Faced with bigger responsibilities and more daring challenges, we shall carry on and and answer the clarion call, for San Beda, our country and God !
(The San Beda College of Law Batch of 1987 is celebrating their Silver Jubilee. The San Beda College of Law on the other hand is celebrating its 60th Foundation Anniversary. The General Homecoming and Reunion will be at the Manila Polo Club on November 30, 2012 at 5:30 o'clock in the afternoon.)

Sunday, November 11, 2012

The Art of Selling Your Property

Among the most difficult decision ever to be made by a property owner is that of selling one's own property. If it were you, there are several factors that you must consider.
First would be, the necessity of really selling it. More often than not, there is a sentimental value attached to the property and you would definitely find it difficult to let go of it. The memories and shared lives will become fresh and vivid once again. But of course, emotions are respected and no matter how significant those memories were, the time has come for you to sell. This decision is being made because it is beneficial and necessary given the prevailing circumstances. Today is the right time, for tomorrow, such opportunity may no longer be there. Unless you want to build a museum on it, or you have an alternative to what you are deciding on now, then keep it. Otherwise, be more prudent. Sell it.
Second, the price must be right and to the right buyer. As the saying goes, opportunity knocks once. Yes, indeed. But such opportunity must be yours and not the opportunity for others to take advantage of you. Sometimes, people succumb to what we may call, a decision made out of desperation. This is either because money is needed urgently and there seems to be no other way but to sell the property oven if it would been giving it away at a rock bottom price, or maybe one would want to get out of a situation involving the property, and selling it would be the easiest way out. Consequently, you get to meet buyers and brokers that are indifferent to your plight except that grabbing your property at a give away price is for them, an opportunity of a lifetime, and a desperate move on your part. The remedy here is to have your property appraised, and get a professional and honest broker who will really represent your interest. Being able to sell at the right price and to the right buyer is the key to giving justice to the cherished memories in that property.
Third, surround yourself with competent and qualified professionals who can help you get the most out of your transaction. You will need an appraiser to ascertain how much your property is based on the current market value. A broker can help you sell the property, look for buyers and make sure that you will get the best price do your property. The lawyer can draft, prepare and finalized legal documents. He can advise you on matters affecting the sale of the property. You may also need the expertise of a surveyor if only to insure that the description of the property is correct and accurate.
Fourth, above all, pray. Remember, that nothing is impossible with God. As long as you do what you have to do for His Honor and Glory, you will reap success.
By way of summary, the art of selling your property consists of making a learned decision that you will not regret the moment it is no longer yours. Such art must go through the following process:
a. The need to sell the property is a decision reached objectively without emotions.
b. The price must be close or just about the same with that of its appraised value.
c. The buyer is serious, legitimate, and willing to pay cash or enter into arrangements backed up by a bank or other financing institutions.
d. Seek professional help.
e. Pray for Divine guidance and blessings.